
Level Up Your Coding Skills: Java for Cloud Developers

Level Up Your Coding Skills: Java for Cloud Developers

Are you a seasoned developer eager to expand your skillset and harness the power of the cloud? Enroll in our Java for Cloud Developers bootcamp to unlock new career opportunities. Learn to build cloud-native applications, integrate with cloud services, and master microservices architecture.
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Launch Your Tech Career: Java and Cloud Computing Bootcamp

Launch Your Tech Career: Java and Cloud Computing Bootcamp

Skillspire's Java and Cloud Computing Bootcamp is an intensive program designed to equip you with essential skills for a successful tech career. By mastering Java programming and cloud computing, you gain expertise in versatile and in-demand technologies that open doors to various opportunities. Whether you choose in-person or online study, this bootcamp prepares you to become a sought-after developer, ready to thrive in the booming tech industry. Don't miss the chance to start your journey.
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The Role of Soft Skills in a Successful Tech Career

The Role of Soft Skills in a Successful Tech Career

The blog post argues that soft skills are just as important as technical skills for a successful career in tech. Soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability are crucial for collaborating with others, navigating challenges, and keeping up with the ever-changing tech landscape. The good news is that soft skills can be learned through courses, professional organizations, leadership roles, and opennes to feedback.
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The Future of Work: How Data Analytics is Changing Every Industry

The Future of Work: How Data Analytics is Changing Every Industry

This blog explores the transformative impact of data analytics across various sectors. It highlights how data-driven insights are revolutionizing healthcare through precision medicine and predictive analytics, enhancing risk management and fraud detection in finance, improving customer experience and inventory management in retail, optimizing operations and supply chains in manufacturing, and promoting personalized learning and operational efficiency in education.
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The Importance of Cybersecurity in Today's Digital World: Why You Need to Be Prepared

The Importance of Cybersecurity in Today's Digital World: Why You Need to Be Prepared

The blog talks about the importance of cybersecurity in today's digital world. It explains the different threats like malware, phishing scams, and data breaches. The impact of these attacks can be financial loss, data breaches, privacy violations and disruptions. People can protect themselves by developing strong cybersecurity habits, staying informed by updating software and enrolling in cybersecurity courses.
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How Advanced Data Analytics Is Transforming Industries

How Advanced Data Analytics Is Transforming Industries

Discover how Advanced Data Analytics is revolutionizing industries worldwide. In a data-driven era, extracting insights from vast datasets is paramount. Advanced analytics transcends basic reporting, employing sophisticated tools to unveil hidden patterns. Explore its impact across finance, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and more.
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Transition From Program Manager to Data Analyst

Transition From Program Manager to Data Analyst

This blog post tells the story of Teresa Jimenez, who transitioned from program management to data analyst with the help of Skillspire's data analytics bootcamps. Teresa highlights the supportive instructors, well-structured curriculum, and flexible schedule that allowed her to learn new coding languages and succeed in the field. The post concludes by emphasizing the value of Skillspire's live instruction and hands-on labs for those seeking professional growth in data analysis.
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C# and Azure Cloud: Combining Development and Cloud Skills for Success

C# and Azure Cloud: Combining Development and Cloud Skills for Success

Discover the synergy between C# programming and Azure Cloud in Skillspire's innovative bootcamp. Seattle's tech epicenter sees Skillspire leading the charge, nurturing aspiring coders with essential skills. Learn how mastering C# and Azure Cloud unlocks a world of opportunities in the tech industry. From the versatility of C# as a coding powerhouse to the scalability of Azure Cloud, this dynamic duo is in high demand. Skillspire's program bridges the gap between coding expertise and cloud fluency, catering to all levels of learners.
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Why Choose a Tech Bootcamp Over Traditional Education?

Why Choose a Tech Bootcamp Over Traditional Education?

The tech industry evolves rapidly, demanding skilled professionals. Tech bootcamps offer a focused, accelerated path compared to traditional education, emphasizing practical skills and industry relevance. With advantages like shorter time commitments, cost-effectiveness, and high job placement rates, bootcamps appeal to those seeking fast entry into tech careers.
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Data Analytics Trends: What's New in 2024?

Data Analytics Trends: What's New in 2024?

The 2024 data analytics landscape is marked by transformative trends. AI and Machine Learning promise automated analysis, unveiling patterns and enhancing predictive abilities. Edge Computing and IoT collaborate for real-time insights, while privacy regulations and ethical considerations shape responsible practices. Augmented analytics automates data exploration, and advanced visualization tools offer immersive experiences. Blockchain introduces secure data sharing and decentralized analytics, empowering individuals. Quantum computing emerges as a game-changer for complex problem-solving. The blog advocates continuous learning, embracing emerging technologies, and ethical stewardship for a future where data analytics benefits all.
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Data Science and AI: Shaping the Fabric of Our Future

Data Science and AI: Shaping the Fabric of Our Future

This blog dives into the dynamic duo of data science and AI, explaining how they extract knowledge from data and empower machines to learn. These fields are revolutionizing various industries, from healthcare and finance to retail and transportation. We explore their applications, challenges, and the exciting career paths they offer. Embrace the change and equip yourself with the skills to navigate this data-driven future!
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10 Reasons Why Full Stack Development is the Future

10 Reasons Why Full Stack Development is the Future

This blog post highlights the numerous advantages of pursuing a career in full stack development, emphasizing its versatility, high demand, future-proof nature, and creative potential.
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The Journey to Becoming a Data Scientist: Unveiling the Secrets of the Code Whisperers

The Journey to Becoming a Data Scientist: Unveiling the Secrets of the Code Whisperers

This blog post serves as a roadmap for aspiring data scientists, demystifying the field and guiding them through their journey. It explores the booming world of data science, its applications across industries and the impact it has on various domains, the role of a data scientist: their responsibilities, from data wrangling to building AI models and the essential skills for the role: highlights technical proficiencies (programming, statistics) and soft skills (critical thinking).
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MERN Stack vs. MEAN Stack: Understanding the Differences

MERN Stack vs. MEAN Stack: Understanding the Differences

This blog post compares the popular MERN and MEAN stacks for full-stack web development, explaining their key differences and helping you choose the right one for your needs.
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Introduction to the MERN Stack: What Beginners Should Know

Introduction to the MERN Stack: What Beginners Should Know

This blog post introduces the MERN stack, a popular web development approach for beginners, highlighting its advantages like JavaScript mastery, rapid development, and strong job market demand. It explains the four key components (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) and provides resources for learning MERN through online courses, books, bootcamps, and career-change programs.
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Starting Your Journey in Full Stack Development: A Beginner's Guide

Starting Your Journey in Full Stack Development: A Beginner's Guide

Dreaming of building your own digital empire? Full stack development might be your calling. This exciting field lets you craft both the eye-catching interfaces and the hidden logic behind websites and apps. While the path may seem steep, fear not! With essential tools like Python, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and databases, you can lay the foundation for your coding castle. Online courses, bootcamps, and supportive communities are your trusty allies as you scale this mountain. Remember, the key is to embrace the journey, celebrate small wins, and keep practicing. So, unleash your inner code wizard, start with small projects, and watch your imagination come to life in the vibrant world of full stack development!
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Can Coding Bootcamps Really Land You a Dream Job? (Spoiler Alert: Yes!)

Can Coding Bootcamps Really Land You a Dream Job? (Spoiler Alert: Yes!)

This blog post tackles the question of whether coding bootcamps can help you land your dream job as a software engineer. While acknowledging the difficulty and frustration involved in learning to code, the author argues that the rewards are worth it: challenging work, creative problem-solving, and lucrative paychecks.
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From Sales Superstar to Data Dynamo: The Transition from Sales to Data Analytics

From Sales Superstar to Data Dynamo: The Transition from Sales to Data Analytics

This blog encourages sales professionals to consider a career shift to data analytics. It highlights the growing demand for data insights and how transferable skills like communication, problem-solving, and relationship building make sales veterans uniquely suited for this field. The author guides readers through the transition process, outlining essential technical skills like SQL and Python, and emphasizing the importance of hands-on experience and networking. It concludes with a call to action, inviting readers to embrace the challenge and join Skillspire's data analytics bootcamp.
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Navigating the Transition from Systems Administrator to Cybersecurity 

Navigating the Transition from Systems Administrator to Cybersecurity 

This blog post encourages systems administrators to consider a career move to cybersecurity, highlighting the motivations, skills required, and potential rewards. It emphasizes the intellectual challenge, continuous learning, and lucrative compensation offered by cybersecurity roles.
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The Truth About Success in Tech: It's Not All Sunshine and Rainbows

The Truth About Success in Tech: It's Not All Sunshine and Rainbows

This blog post debunks the myth of a smooth and effortless path to success in the tech industry. Highlighting the emotional struggles and inherent uncertainty of the journey, it encourages readers to embrace the challenges and persevere, reminding them that their hard work and dedication will ultimately lead them towards their goals.
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From Strategy to Syntax: Transitioning from Business Analyst to Web Development

From Strategy to Syntax: Transitioning from Business Analyst to Web Development

This blogpost explores the journey of transitioning from a seasoned Business Analyst to the dynamic realm of web development, unveiling challenges, opportunities, and key insights along the way.
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Transition from Graphic Designer to Web Development: Navigating the Creative Shift

Transition from Graphic Designer to Web Development: Navigating the Creative Shift

In the dynamic realm of digital evolution, graphic designers are seamlessly transitioning into web development, blending creativity with code. This blog explores the exciting metamorphosis, guiding designers through key steps:
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C# vs. Java: Which Language Should You Learn?

C# vs. Java: Which Language Should You Learn?

Navigate the crossroads of programming with our blog post comparing C# and Java. Explore the strengths and weaknesses of each language to make an informed decision for your development journey. C# shines in Windows development, seamlessly integrating with Microsoft tools, while Java boasts platform independence and a massive open-source community. Whether you lean towards C# for Windows-centric projects or Java for platform flexibility, embrace the learning process in the dynamic world of software development.
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How to Choose a Coding Bootcamp: Your Path to Success with Skillspire

How to Choose a Coding Bootcamp: Your Path to Success with Skillspire

Skillspire excels in delivering cost-effective education with personalized attention, live instruction from industry experts, and strong career connections, ensuring accessible quality coding education for all. It's the perfect option for those seeking an affordable and comprehensive coding education.
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Making the Leap: Transition from Project Manager to Data Analyst

Making the Leap: Transition from Project Manager to Data Analyst

The blog post explores the process of transitioning from a project manager to a data analyst role, emphasizing the potential for an exciting journey. It highlights the shared skills between project management and data analytics, such as problem-solving and attention to detail. The post underscores the growing demand for data analytics skills and suggests assessing existing skills and recognizing knowledge gaps. It also discusses the crucial role of Data Analytics Bootcamps in this transition, offering focused learning, hands-on experience, expert instruction, networking opportunities, and career support, ultimately making a compelling case for this career shift.
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Making the Transition from Marketing to Data Analytics

Making the Transition from Marketing to Data Analytics

This blog post delves into the growing intersection between marketing and data analytics, highlighting the compelling reasons for marketers to transition into the data analytics field. With an increasing demand for professionals who can transform data into actionable insights, this shift offers promising career opportunities. The article underscores the potential for career growth in data analytics and encourages individuals to embrace this dynamic and rewarding path in the ever-evolving world of data-driven decision-making.
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Skillspire: The Top-Rated Coding Bootcamp for Your Success

Skillspire: The Top-Rated Coding Bootcamp for Your Success

Skillspire is the leading choice in the rapidly evolving tech education landscape, renowned for its exceptional coding bootcamp. Backed by a stellar 4.9-star Google review rating, Skillspire distinguishes itself with its commitment to quality, small class sizes, and dedicated instructors. In this blog post, delve into what makes Skillspire the ultimate destination for coding education.
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Transforming Your Career: From Accountant to Data Analyst

Transforming Your Career: From Accountant to Data Analyst

This blog post guides professionals considering a career shift from accountant to data analyst. It highlights the importance of understanding the transition, assessing transferable skills, mastering data analysis tools, and developing programming abilities. Building a data portfolio and gaining practical experience are recommended to demonstrate skills effectively.
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How to Transition from QA to Development: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Transition from QA to Development: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the roadmap to successfully transition from QA to Development in our comprehensive guide. We'll walk you through the steps, from building a strong programming foundation with languages like Python or Java to creating personal projects that showcase your skills. Learn how to contribute to open-source projects, seek mentorship, update your resume, and tailor your job applications to developer positions. With patience and persistence, you can overcome challenges and achieve your goal of becoming a developer. Plus, explore the resources offered by Skillspire, including coding bootcamps, mentoring, and career coaching.
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Cure Impostor Syndrome: Strategies to Building Confidence

Cure Impostor Syndrome: Strategies to Building Confidence

This blog post discusses the pervasive issue of Impostor Syndrome, a feeling of inadequacy despite evidence of competence and success, and its impact on personal and professional growth. The post offers valuable insights and strategies to overcome this psychological barrier.
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Cybersecurity Bootcamp Journey: From Novice to Cyber Pro

Cybersecurity Bootcamp Journey: From Novice to Cyber Pro

"From Novice to Cyber Pro: Navigating a Cybersecurity Bootcamp Successfully" is a guide that outlines the journey from being a cybersecurity novice to a seasoned professional through a cybersecurity bootcamp. It emphasizes the increasing demand for cybersecurity experts in today's world and provides key insights into making the most of your bootcamp experience.
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Unlock Your Potential with a Career in Data Analytics

Unlock Your Potential with a Career in Data Analytics

Data analytics is a rapidly growing field that offers unlimited growth opportunities for those who are interested in pursuing a career in this area. If you are curious, analytical, and have a passion for problem-solving, data analytics could be the perfect career path for you.
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5 Reasons Why a Coding Bootcamp Might Be Better Than College

5 Reasons Why a Coding Bootcamp Might Be Better Than College

A lot has been said about the whole “bootcamp vs. college” debate. People argue from both sides of this coin and feel that they’re correct…so what’s the right answer? Even with Skillspire being a coding bootcamp, you might be surprised to hear this answer straight from us: It depends. There
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Reflections From the State of the Union

Reflections From the State of the Union

On my flight home to the better Washington, I can’t help reflecting on my experience attending the State of the Union and the days leading up to it.
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5 Reasons Why You MUST Pursue a Data Analytics Career Path

5 Reasons Why You MUST Pursue a Data Analytics Career Path

Data Analytics has seen a dramatic increase in demand over the past decade. IBM predicted that there would be a rise in data professionals’ jobs to 2,720,000. This means that careers in Data Analytics are in greater demand than they are in supply. Economics has proven that prices rise when...
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5 Reasons Why Full Stack is Perfect for Beginners

5 Reasons Why Full Stack is Perfect for Beginners

Feeling a little lost in your quest to break into a new tech career? We have some advice that may simplify things for you: Full Stack Web Development. Full Stack Web Development is essentially the whole nine yards for web development. Many people are designated as either front or back-end
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Three Myths That Need Debunking

Three Myths That Need Debunking

Unfortunately, we live in a society where questioning normalcy and being critical of the status quo is highly frowned upon. Not only will you be shot down if you attempt to do this, but you also risk being mocked/made fun of for “not being real” or “living on a cloud”. Critical thinking is the oil that keeps our engines running smoothly. It’s the precursor for innovation, pioneering, and monumental achievements.
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Top 7 Differences Between Java & JavaScript

Top 7 Differences Between Java & JavaScript

One of the most common misconceptions that non-technical people tend to have is that Java and JavaScript are closely related to one another.
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What is Data Science?

What is Data Science?

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been hearing "data science" getting thrown around in tech circles. The odds are also likely that you’ve heard about how lucrative and rewarding this particular career path can be. But what is it, exactly?
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A Guide on How to Get a Job in Tech Without a Tech Degree

A Guide on How to Get a Job in Tech Without a Tech Degree

The reality that many people are unaware of is that it's completely possible to work in tech without a tech degree.
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Why is Skillspire Different?

Why is Skillspire Different?

As you’re scouring the internet and researching to find the best coding bootcamp, you’re sure to ask yourself the following question at least a handful of times: “Many of these bootcamps offer similar programs/benefits…which one is best and how do I make a decision?” This is a very fair question,
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Discovering the Exciting Career Opportunities in the Thriving Tech Industry

Discovering the Exciting Career Opportunities in the Thriving Tech Industry

The tech industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and is expected to continue growing in the coming years. With the rise of new technologies, there is a high demand for skilled professionals in the field. As a result, there are numerous job opportunities available for individuals looking to work in the tech industry.
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What is Full Stack Web Development?

What is Full Stack Web Development?

An in-depth look at what exactly the full stack web development profession entails.
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The Silver Lining for Coding School Graduates

The Silver Lining for Coding School Graduates

One of the most important trait we learn from school and college is the work ethic, discipline, and a “never give up attitude.”
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Will True Diversity in Tech Ever Become a Reality?

Will True Diversity in Tech Ever Become a Reality?

A couple of weeks ago, I had the honor of attending and being a speaker at the Future for Us Summit at the Riveter in Seattle. As a minority woman and Indian American who immigrated to this country over 28 years ago, it was very gratifying to see the hundreds of people that gathered there on a Friday night.
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We Need Women of Color in Tech!

We Need Women of Color in Tech!

The tech world is in great demand for women--especially women of color.
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Not Having Diversity in Tech is Dangerous

Not Having Diversity in Tech is Dangerous

Algorithmic bias can be extremely harmful for a variety of reasons. The world continually adapts algorithms to make crucial decisions. Algorithms exist to help businesses decide whether or not to offer people loans, evaluate job candidates for the next stage of the hiring process, and even in assessing sentence lengths for people who have been convicted of crimes.
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Technology and the US Election

Technology and the US Election

The introduction of technology in facilitating voter responses may quell some fears of miscounted votes, but is accompanied by a host of tech-related issues. There are several different models of electronic voting machines utilized across the country, varying in age, software, capabilities, and level of susceptibility to malfunction, and just like any other electronic device, they can malfunction — big time.
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9 Remote Jobs in Tech

9 Remote Jobs in Tech

What if we told you that there are numerous remote jobs in tech? WFH forever!
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The Inequities of COVID-19

The Inequities of COVID-19

In the wake of the novel coronavirus, the disparities and struggles to make ends meet are glaring.
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Has Society Tricked Us Into Attending College?

Has Society Tricked Us Into Attending College?

We've been led to believe that a college degree is the only means to a successful career. But what if this isn't the case?
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Racial Discrimination

Racial Discrimination

Many of us may not be fully aware of this, but March 21 was International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
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How Digital Marketers Use Big Data to Track Their Audiences

How Digital Marketers Use Big Data to Track Their Audiences

Digital privacy is a huge concern nowadays, with many internet users claiming that the extent to which our information is recorded for advertising purposes is unethical. But does changing these terms end up hurting small businesses the most?
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Digital Marketing Challenges During COVID-19

Digital Marketing Challenges During COVID-19

Among the many challenges the world has seen accompany the COVID-19 pandemic is the shift in digital marketing.
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3 Examples of How Data Analytics is Taking Over

3 Examples of How Data Analytics is Taking Over

If you’re even somewhat familiar with modern day tech jargon, you’ve surely heard the word “data” being thrown around in a lot of circles.
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Getting a Tech Job Without a Degree

Getting a Tech Job Without a Degree

Several people who are interested in entering the technology industry avoid doing so under the misconception that they can’t find a job without a pricey, lengthy college degree. However, this is far from the truth.
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Should You Always Dream of Working For a Big Tech Company?

Should You Always Dream of Working For a Big Tech Company?

Popular tech giants have been made out to be the end goal for many entering and working in the tech industry, but can they truly live up to the value they're attributed with?
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Learn Web Development for Work Life Balance ​

Learn Web Development for Work Life Balance ​

The age old question…”What job will pay me well, whilst also allowing me to spend enough time with my family?” The answer to this question has seemingly eluded most people for decades, but it may be closer to home than you’d think.
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7 Reasons Why You Must Learn C#

7 Reasons Why You Must Learn C#

Regardless of whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned professional, you’re going to reach a point in your career when you will stand to benefit from upskilling.
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Software Engineering Career Track

Software Engineering Career Track

There are a lot of career opportunities in the tech industry today. Many industries are hiring software engineers, including finance, healthcare, education, and defense. This course gives excellent opportunities for individuals looking for financially rewarding positions with the flexibility to work from home.
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Cybersecurity Career Track

Cybersecurity Career Track

Pursuing a career in Cybersecurity means entering a booming industry where more jobs are available than qualified candidates. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs in the cybersecurity field is expected to grow by 33% from 2020 to 2030. The COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated this demand.
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What Exactly is Cyber Security?

What Exactly is Cyber Security?

You’re ready to learn, study, and break your way into the field, but wait…what even is Cyber Security?! Many people know about the concept/idea of practicing safety online, but they may not realize just how deep and vast this ocean really is.
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On Burnout: 4 Steps to Pivot into a Technology Career

On Burnout: 4 Steps to Pivot into a Technology Career

High school graduates are swamped by career counseling and entry-level opportunities ready to welcome their 4-year computer science degree with open arms. But if it’s true as Blink-182 once said, nobody likes you when you’re 22, what happens when you’re burning out a decade later in the career you thought you’d never get tired of?
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6 Reasons Why You Must Learn Python

6 Reasons Why You Must Learn Python

When setting out to develop your technical portfolio, you’ll find yourself struggling to come to terms on which programming language is the correct choice for you.
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Data Analytics Career Track

Data Analytics Career Track

Entering the data analytics field offers secure job opportunities and above-average salaries, with professionals often earning six figures. In addition to entry-level positions, many companies hire senior professionals with management and leadership skills to help lead data and information technology teams.
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6 Reasons Why You Must Learn React

6 Reasons Why You Must Learn React

When setting out to learn how to code, many people are confused about where to begin. It can be quite intimidating when you’re starting out, especially because you might not be sure about whether you want to go into the front-end or the back-end.
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Meet Ajalan Brown: From US Military to Sales to Tech

Meet Ajalan Brown: From US Military to Sales to Tech

How often do you come across someone who had passion, but life had different plans for them? And yet, they defied all odds and came out a champion? Meet Ajalan Brown, who not only has had a hero’s journey but also benefitted immensely from his stint at Skillspire, learning Full Stack Web Development.
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6 Reasons Why Java is Such a Valuable Skill

6 Reasons Why Java is Such a Valuable Skill

Java has been the king of the Android world for years. The open-source programming language is giving Kotlin a run for its money. The average salary for a Java Developer in the U.S. sits at a healthy $100,758. Java offers you career flexibility to ensure you can bring in that good salary over the long haul.
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The State of Coding Bootcamps in 2022

The State of Coding Bootcamps in 2022

Coding boot camps have taken over the tech industry by storm. With that being said, you must nitpick everything Bootcamp tell you. There's no reason to blindly accept everything they put out there. Check your source and verify and crosscheck everything before signing up.
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Addressing the Disparity: Skillspire Empowers Underserved Communities in Pursuit of Higher Education

Addressing the Disparity: Skillspire Empowers Underserved Communities in Pursuit of Higher Education

Skillspire is a company that is making a positive impact on the lives of many people. By providing affordable, flexible, and industry-relevant education, Skillspire is breaking down barriers and empowering individuals to pursue their educational and career goals. The company's commitment to eliminating geographic barriers and providing personalized support is also commendable. Overall, Skillspire is a company that is making a difference in the world, and I am excited to see what they do next.
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Work in Tech Without a Degree: Bootcamps vs. College

Work in Tech Without a Degree: Bootcamps vs. College

Choosing between college and a coding bootcamp for a career in tech can be tough. Skillspire, a Seattle-based coding bootcamp, offers courses in software development, web development, data science, data analytics, and cybersecurity that are affordable and accessible to everyone. With experienced instructors, job placement assistance, and a supportive community, Skillspire is an excellent option for launching a career in tech.
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The Future of Work: Adapting to Technological Advancements and Staying Ahead in Your Career

The Future of Work: Adapting to Technological Advancements and Staying Ahead in Your Career

In today's fast-changing professional world, technological advancements are reshaping industries and demanding new skill sets for success. This blog post explores the impact of technology on the future of work and emphasizes the importance of continuous learning to stay competitive.
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How to Get the Most Out of Your Coding Bootcamp

How to Get the Most Out of Your Coding Bootcamp

Coding bootcamps can be a great way to learn new skills and launch a new career in tech. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your bootcamp experience: choose the right bootcamp, be prepared to work hard, take advantage of resources, network with classmates, and don't be afraid to ask for help.
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Python Bootcamp: Its Significance and The Future of Python

Python Bootcamp: Its Significance and The Future of Python

Python is a general-purpose programming language that is known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility. It is used in a wide variety of applications, including web development, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The demand for Python skills is growing rapidly, as more and more businesses adopt Python-based technologies. Python Bootcamps can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to get a job in the tech industry.
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